• Join VKRadio

    From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Dec 17 18:37:00 2021
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Dec 21 00:04:02 2021
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Dec 24 00:04:02 2021
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Dec 31 00:04:02 2021
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Jan 4 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Jan 7 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Jan 11 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Jan 14 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Jan 18 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Jan 21 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Jan 25 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Jan 28 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Feb 1 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Feb 4 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Feb 8 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Feb 11 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Apr 26 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Apr 29 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue May 3 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri May 6 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue May 10 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri May 13 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue May 17 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri May 20 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue May 24 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri May 27 00:04:03 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue May 31 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Jun 3 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Jun 7 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Jun 24 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Jun 28 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Jul 1 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Jul 5 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Jul 8 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Jul 12 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Jul 15 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Jul 19 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Jul 22 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Jul 26 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Jul 29 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Aug 2 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Aug 5 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Aug 9 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Aug 12 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Aug 16 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Aug 19 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Aug 23 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Aug 26 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Aug 30 00:04:03 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Sep 2 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Sep 6 00:04:03 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Sep 9 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Sep 13 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Sep 16 00:04:03 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Sep 20 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Sep 23 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Sep 27 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Sep 30 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Oct 4 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Oct 7 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Oct 11 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Oct 14 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Oct 18 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Oct 21 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Oct 25 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Oct 28 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Nov 1 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Nov 4 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Nov 8 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Nov 11 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Nov 15 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Nov 18 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Nov 22 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Nov 25 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Nov 29 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Dec 2 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Dec 6 00:04:03 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Dec 13 00:04:03 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Dec 16 00:04:03 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Dec 20 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Dec 27 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Dec 30 00:04:02 2022
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Jan 3 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Jan 6 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Jan 10 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Jan 13 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Jan 17 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Jan 20 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Jan 24 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Jan 31 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Feb 3 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Feb 7 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Feb 10 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Feb 14 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Feb 17 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Feb 21 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Feb 24 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Feb 28 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Mar 3 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Mar 7 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Mar 10 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Mar 14 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Mar 17 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Mar 21 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Mar 24 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Mar 28 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Mar 31 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Apr 4 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Apr 7 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Apr 11 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Apr 14 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Apr 18 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Apr 21 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Apr 25 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Apr 28 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue May 2 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue May 9 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri May 5 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri May 12 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue May 16 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri May 19 00:04:04 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue May 23 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri May 26 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue May 30 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Jun 2 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Jun 6 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Jun 9 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Jun 13 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Jun 16 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Jun 20 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Jun 23 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Jun 27 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Jun 30 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Jul 4 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Jul 7 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Jul 11 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Jul 14 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Jul 18 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Jul 21 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Jul 25 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Jul 28 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Aug 1 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Aug 4 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Aug 8 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Aug 11 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Aug 15 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Aug 18 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Aug 22 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Aug 25 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Sep 22 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Sep 26 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Sep 29 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Oct 3 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Oct 6 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Oct 10 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Oct 13 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Oct 17 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Oct 20 00:04:04 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Oct 24 00:04:04 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Oct 27 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Oct 31 00:04:04 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Nov 3 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Nov 7 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Nov 10 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Nov 14 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Nov 17 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Nov 21 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Nov 24 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Nov 28 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Dec 1 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Dec 5 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Dec 8 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Dec 12 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Dec 15 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Dec 19 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Dec 22 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Dec 26 00:04:02 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Dec 29 00:04:03 2023
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Jan 2 00:04:03 2024
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Jan 5 00:04:03 2024
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Jan 9 00:04:03 2024
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Jan 12 00:04:03 2024
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Jan 16 00:04:03 2024
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Jan 19 00:04:03 2024
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Jan 23 00:04:03 2024
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Jan 26 00:04:03 2024
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Tue Jan 30 00:04:03 2024
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Application

    BBS / System Name........:
    BBS Software.............:
    Operating System.........:
    Telnet address...........:
    Website URL..............:
    Email Address............:
    Mail tosser..............:
    Area/Filefix Password....:
    FTN or QWK feed..........:
    (FTN is preferred))

    If you don't run a BBS, please state a system name you will be known by. Non B

    Your Binkp details (fill in if using FTN)


    Session Password:
    Binkp address...:
    IPv4 or IPv6?...: (if in doubt, choose IPv4)
    Crash or Hold...:

    Your QWK details (fill in if using QWK)

    BBSID (will be your login)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: The Bridge - bridge.vkradio.com (3:633/410.1)
  • From Tony Langdon@3:633/410.1 to All on Fri Feb 2 00:04:03 2024
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to VKRadio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio is a hobbyist radio communication oriented network, with a focus on friendly interaction and user input into the content and future direction of the net.

    All with an interest in radio communication are welcome in this net. It
    is suggested, but not mandatory that either real names or amateur callsigns
    (if you have one) be used as your handle on the net.

    Rules for this net are simple. Firstly, respect each other. No discrimination, vilification or harassment is acceptable. Secondly,
    No discussions encouraging illegal activity.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

    Message Echo Areas on VKRadio:

    VK_QSO - General chat about any subject, not limited to radio communication.

    VK_PROPOSAL - Ideas for furthering the net go in here to be discussed.
    Post your ideas for improving the net, so we can make it
    even better!

    VK_STUDY - Anything related to studying for your amateur licence, including
    but not limited to questions, study tips, links to resources, etc.
    As this is an international echo, it is suggested to include
    mention of the relevant country or region when posting.

    VK_ECHOIRLP - Discussion about the EchoIRLP dual system node and EchoLink/
    IRLP interoperability (gated mailing list).

    VK_REF9550 - IRLP Reflector 9550 and associated Echolink conferences (*VK3JED*,
    *VKEMCOMM*, *AUSSIE*) information, status updates and user
    discussion. Also available as a mailing list.
    See http://ref9550.vkradio.com for details.

    VK_NEWS - News postings of interest to radio hobbyists. Bots are permitted
    if they are posting relevant news items.

    VK_PEDALRADIO - Discussion of radio operation from bicycles and other
    human powered vehicles (gated mailing list).

    VK_HAMNET - Amateur radio discussion. This echo is an experiment and is gated
    other networks. Nets interested in hosting this echo are more than
    welcome to contact me by email at vk3jed@vkradio.com. Feeds can
    be arranged using FTN, QWK and NNTP.

    File Echos on VKradio:

    VK_NODE - VKRadio nodelist distribution.
    VK_INFO - VKRadio network information..
    VK_SOFTWARE - Radio related application software (all platforms).
    VK_UTILS - Radio related utilities (all platforms).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form - send to vk3jed@vkradio.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKRadio - Applicati