MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Creamy Twice-Baked Sweet Potatoes
Categories: Five, Potatoes, Nuts
Yield: 2 servings
2 md Sweet potatoes (about 10
oz Each)
2 oz Cream cheese, softened
1 tb Brown sugar
1/4 ts Ground cinnamon
2 tb Chopped pecans
Set oven @ 375┬║F/190┬║C.
Scrub potatoes; pierce several times with a fork. Bake
on a foil-lined baking sheet until tender, 45-60
minutes. Cool slightly.
Cut off a thin slice from top of each potato. Scoop out
pulp, leaving 1/4" thick shells. Mash pulp with cream
cheese, brown sugar and cinnamon. Spoon into shells;
return to pan. Top with pecans. Bake until heated
through, 15-20 minutes.
Linda Call, Falun, Kansas
Makes: 2 servings
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
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