• Pad Hed (Mushroom Stir Fry)

    From Ben Collver@1:124/5016 to All on Sat Oct 5 10:30:40 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Pad Hed (Mushroom Stir-Fry)
    Categories: Main course, Thai
    Yield: 2 Servings

    2 tb Oil
    3 cl Garlic
    2 Prik chi fa; to taste
    10 1/2 oz Mushrooms; see notes
    2 tb Oyster sauce
    1 tb Light soy sauce
    1 ts White sugar
    1/4 ts White pepper
    Green onions; chopped into
    -2" sized pieces

    Preparation time: 10 minutes
    Cooking time: 10 minutes

    Quick and easy Thai mushroom stir-fry recipe. Serve with rice for a
    healthy dinner, or on its own as a side.

    Heat oil in your wok over medium heat and sauté garlic until golden
    and fragrant.

    Toss in the prepped mushrooms and red chilies. Stir-fry for a few
    minutes until the mushrooms are slightly tender but still crisp.

    Add sauces and seasonings: light soy sauce, oyster sauce, white
    pepper, and white sugar. Mix well and coat the mushrooms with the
    stir-fry sauce.

    Turn off the heat and stir in your chopped green onions. Serve
    immediately and enjoy.

    Recipe by Praew

    Recipe FROM: <https://hungryinthailand.com/

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