• Rojoes Cominho (Braised Pork)

    From Ben Collver@1:124/5016 to All on Fri Oct 4 09:53:48 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Rojoes Cominho (Braised Pork With Cumin, Coriander, And L
    Categories: Pork, Portuguese
    Yield: 1 Batch

    2 lb Lean boneless pork; cut into
    -1" cubes
    1 tb Lard
    3/4 c Dry white wine
    1 1/2 ts Ground cumin seed
    1/2 ts Garlic; finely chopped
    1 ts Salt
    Freshly ground black pepper
    5 Lemon slices; thin,
    2 tb Fresh coriander (cilantro);
    -finely chopped

    Pat the pork cubes thoroughly dry with paper towels. In a heavy 10 to
    12" skillet, melt the lard over high heat until it splutters.

    Add the pork cubes and brown them, turning the cubes frequently with a
    large spoon and regulating the heat so that they color quickly and
    evenly without burning. Stir in 1/2 cup of wine, the cumin, garlic,
    salt, and a liberal grinding of pepper.

    Bring to a boil, then cover the skillet, reduce the heat to low and
    simmer for 25 minutes, or until the pork is tender and shows no
    resistance when pierced with the tip of a small, sharp knife.

    Add the remaining 1/4 cup of wine and the lemon slices and cook over
    high heat, turning the meat and lemon pieces constantly, until the
    sauce thickens ever so slightly. Stir in the coriander and taste for

    Pour the pork mixture onto the center of a large heated platter and
    surround it if you like with Portuguese fried potatoes.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com (1:124/5016)