• Chocolate Icebox Cake

    From Ben Collver@1:124/5016 to All on Sun Aug 25 12:56:58 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Chocolate Icebox Cake
    Categories: Cakes
    Yield: 1 Cake

    8 oz Bakers' German sweet
    -chocolate (2 pkg)
    2 tb Sugar (regular or fine)
    1 ts Vanilla extract
    3 lg Eggs; separated
    1 c Heavy whipping cream;
    1 c Walnut pieces
    2 pk Lady Fingers
    2 tb Water

    3 c Heavy whipping cream
    3 tb Sugar (regular or fine)

    Line the bottom and sides a bread loaf pan (approximately 9x5x2-1/2")
    with the lady fingers (1/3" slices of pound cake can be substituted).
    [Sky's note: first line the loaf pan with parchment or wax paper,
    then line pan with the lady fingers or pound cake; this will make for
    easy removal of icebox cake after it has frozen.]

    Put chocolate and sugar (fine or regular) together in a double-boiler
    over simmering water until chocolate is melted and sugar is
    dissolved. Remove from heat and stir in water and vanilla extract.
    Separately stir in three egg yolks one at a time and thoroughly blend
    each with chocolate mixture. Have at the ready in two separate bowls:
    (1) one cup heavy whipping cream whipped until firm and (2) the three
    separated egg whites whipped until points are stiff. Mix the walnut
    pieces in double-boiler with the chocolate mixture. Fold chocolate
    and nuts mixture into the bowl with the whipped cream, then also fold
    in the whipped egg whites from the second bowl. Fold everything
    together until integrated.

    Pour chocolate 'mousse' into lady-finger-lined bread loaf pan. Gently
    pound the pan a few times on the counter to help evenly spread mousse
    in the pan. Cover the top of the mousse with remaining lady fingers
    (or sliced pound cake). Freeze at least 24 hours, covered.

    Remove frozen 'bare' chocolate icebox cake from freezer and invert
    onto large serving plate. For "icing", combine three cups of heavy
    whipping cream and three tablespoons of fine (or regular) sugar and
    whip until stiff. Thickly slather the whipped cream all over the top
    and sides to completely cover the icebox cake. Garnish with sprinkled
    cocoa powder or with chocolate shavings (or whatever you'd like).

    It's best to let the finished chocolate icebox cake 'thaw' in the
    refrigerator for a couple hours before serving. If it's still frozen
    solid, it's difficult to slice into servings. Always keep leftovers,
    if they are any, in the refrigerator.

    This chocolate icebox cake recipe can be modified in many ways.
    Instead of water, try espresso or a flavored liqueur instead. The
    "icing" can be something else other than whipped cream. Or, the
    whipped cream can be flavored, too. Countless possibilities.

    Recipe by Skyhooks

    Recipe FROM: <https://web.archive.org/web/20170327113315/
    http://recfoodcooking.org/sigs/Skyhooks/Chocolate Icebox Cake.html>

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    * Origin: End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com (1:124/5016)