• Top 10 Leg O Lamb - 10

    From Dave Drum@1:18/200 to All on Fri Aug 16 21:29:00 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Leg Of Lamb w/Garlic & Rosemary
    Categories: Lamb/mutton, Vegetables, Herbs, Wine
    Yield: 8 Servings

    7 lb Semi-boneless leg of lamb;
    - aitchbone removed, trimmed
    - & tied
    4 cl Garlic
    1 tb Fine sea salt
    2 tb Chopped fresh rosemary
    1/2 ts Black pepper
    1/4 c Dry red wine

    Pat lamb dry and score fat by making shallow cuts all
    over with tip of a sharp small knife.

    Pound garlic to a paste with sea salt using a mortar and
    pestle (or mince and mash with a heavy knife) and stir
    together with rosemary and pepper. Put lamb in a lightly
    oiled roasting pan, then rub paste all over lamb. Let
    stand at room temperature 30 minutes.

    Set oven @ 350┬║F/175┬║C.

    Roast lamb in middle of oven, 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 hours.
    Transfer to a cutting board and let stand 15 to 25

    Add wine to pan and deglaze by boiling over moderately
    high heat, stirring and scraping up brown bits, 1 minute.
    Season pan juices with salt and pepper and serve with

    Gourmet | May 2001

    Yield: Makes 8 servings

    Format by Dave Drum; May 11, 2017

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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    * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (1:18/200)