• 8/16 Nat Bratwurst Day 3

    From Dave Drum@1:3634/12 to All on Thu Aug 15 13:54:00 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Ralph's Subtly Flavored Bratwurst
    Categories: Sausage, Beer, Vegetables
    Yield: 8 Servings

    8 Bratwurst sausages
    18 oz Rich beer; NOT LIGHT
    1 lb Sauerkraut, either jarred or
    - canned
    1/4 lb Butter
    1 ts Cider vinegar
    1/2 ts (to 1 ts) caraway seeds;
    - bruised in mortar and
    - pestle
    1 ts Brown sugar
    4 Whole cloves

    Prick bratwursts with fork. Open the beer and pour into
    a large pot. Let the beer defoam for about 10 minutes.
    Add the sausages, then bring to a simmer and cook for 20

    Prepare the sauerkraut while the sausages are cooking.
    Drain and rinse the sauerkraut in cold water. Place it
    in a saucepan with the butter, cider vinegar, caraway
    seeds, brown sugar, and cloves. Bring to a boil and
    simmer over very low heat for 10 minutes. Remove cloves
    before serving.

    Heat grill to medium. Grill sausages until golden on
    both sides. Serve with sauerkraut.

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.ralphs.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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