• Navassa Island K1N DXpedition Recipient of Best Communication Award

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT to QST on Tue Jul 5 16:00:43 2016
    Subject: Navassa Island K1N DXpedition Recipient of Best Communication Award @VIA: WLARB
    @MSGID: <577BD9AB.2238.dove-ham@wd1cks.org>

    DxCoffee and the DXUniversity have conveyed the 2015 Best Communication Award[1] to the Navassa Island K1N[2] DXpedition, which took place in February 2015.

    "This DXpedition deserved our recognition for having captivated the ham community in the difficult task to activate this very rare entity after many years' attempts," the announcement said. The award sponsors pointed to the Navassa Island DXpedition website and the numerous daily updates while the operation was under way, which included directions and advice to increase DXers' chances of making a contact.

    The sponsors also appreciated the posted photos and "especially the video, made with a GoPro camera, mounted on Jerry, WB9Z's head." The sponsors said the K1N DXpedition also made judicious use of social media. 

    [1] http://www.dxcoffee.com/eng/communication-award/
    [2] http://www.navassadx.com/

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