• OH2BH Sets 70th Anniversary “Retro-DXpedition” to Madeira Islands

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT to QST on Wed Jun 15 16:59:01 2016
    Subject: OH2BH Sets 70th Anniversary ΓÇ£Retro-DXpeditionΓÇ¥ to Madeira Islands @VIA: WLARB
    @MSGID: <57618955.2189.dove-ham@wd1cks.org>

    Martti Laine, OH2BH[1], will be on the air June 20-23 as CT3BH from the Madeiras, attempting to relive "the years of the past, when it was all different." His 2016 anniversary tour will take him to many of his earlier DX haunts, while allowing operators on the other end to relive their memories as well. Laine has invited stations working CT3BH to send the password "QBH70" to put the pileup on hold and share one of their own memories.

    "After CT3BH, there will be more," he said. "Dotting the world is the greatest pastime of DXers, even though returning to one's sweet home tends to beat such dotting."

    His "BH-SH" (back home sweet home" award is a 14-dot mission: Each country with OH2BH operating alone and/or as part of a group during 2016 gives you 1 point, while working him at his home gives you 5 points. You need need 10 countries to qualify. Activities so far in 2016 have included CU2KG/CR2X, Z68BH/Z60A, and ZA/OH2BH. - Thanks to Martti Laine, OH2BH

    [1] http://www.qrz.com/db/OH2BH

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